ASEAN Organic Federation
Established in July 2017, AOF is a regional body of organic industries and movements in South East Asia region. Currently, AOF members comprises of 6 national organic associations from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The share vision of the AOF include organic market and trade, supply chain and value creation, policy advocacy, and sustainable organic development.
6 Members (One Country, One Member)

1) Organic Trade & Businesses: ASEAN market integration, supply chain and value creation
2) Regional Policy: ASEAN standard & certification, recognition system
3) Organic Development: experiences sharing and learning, training
Working Theme
1) ASEAN as organic hub: BioFach Southeast Asia, BioFach Nurermberg (trade fair)
2) Understanding each others: knowing our strengths, knowing our weaknesses (info, research)
3) Regional trading within ASEAN: raw materials, contract productions
* workshop with agriculture and/or trade ministry on regional certification and trade
* info exchange for intra-regional trade potential => partnering